As we all know, barbells can often use more weight than dumbbells. The better the effect of muscle growth, the heavier the barbell, and the greater the absolute strength. After scientific research and comparison, compound strength training using barbells have a better muscle-building effect than muscle differentiation training alone. No other tool builds strength or more versatility than a barbell.
Below, we will provide 8 barbell exercises for full body workout.
- Z Press
- Landmine Seated Russian Twists
- Landmine Sumo Squat Calf Raise
- Overhand Power Row
- Close Grip Press
- Palms Forward Curl
- Hands Elevated Bar Push Ups
- Mountain Climbers
8 Barbell Exercises For You
1.Z Press
The Z-press is a press that sits flat on the ground.
Unlike the standing press, the Z press is a shoulder press while sitting flat on the ground.
How to do it

Muscles Targeted: Upper back, Upper Trapezius.
- Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Build an upright torso. dig your heels into the floor
- Grab a barbell and rest it on the front rack. keep boobs proud
- Inhale and brace your core, grip, glutes and back
- Keeping the elbows under the wrists, push the barbell up
- After the barbell is over your head, put your head through the hole
- Flex your triceps and lock the barbell overhead
- Slowly lower the barbell to the starting position on the chest and shoulders
- Exhale
2.Landmine-Seated Russian Twists
The Russian twist is believed to be one of the first abdominal exercises that everyone recognizes. It is said that Soviet soldiers first invented this movement during the Cold War, but now it is almost known worldwide.
This action is famous because it is simple and effective! It can not only exercise the abdominal and external oblique muscles, but also the shoulders and buttocks muscles.
How to do it

Muscles Targeted: Obliques
- Lie on the floor with your calves crossed and your back flat. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees and your feet twisted together for stability.
- Keeping your lower body still, raise your upper body so that your torso creates an imaginary V with your thighs, and hold the end of the bar with both hands
- Focus on the waist and abdomen, and at the same time, the waist and abdomen contract and twist the right side of your body until your arms are parallel to the ground, and exhale simultaneously.
- Hold the contracted second move back to the starting position while exhaling. Then move to the other side and perform the same movement on your right.
3.Landmine Sumo Squat Calf Raise
How to do it

Muscles Targeted: Quads,Hamstrings, Glutes,Abs
- The stance should begin with a slightly over-shoulder stance with a grip on the inside of the foot (any pulling motion with a grip on the inside of the foot is called a "sumo").
- From the floor, you initiate the pull by activating your hamstrings and pushing your hips upward.
- In one fluid motion from a standing position, lift your toes and flex your calf muscles, then slowly lower into the next squat.
- Throughout the movement, imagine your arms as cables. They're there to provide support, not lift the barbell. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.
4.Overhand Power Row
Barbell rowing is one of the main exercises for developing back muscles. It got its name because its trajectory resembles a boating action.
How to do it

Muscles Targeted: Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius
- Inhale, straight arms pull the barbell back to the lower front of the calf;
- With the strength of the latissimus dorsi contraction, bend the elbows and lift the barbell along the calf to the knee;
- Continue to use the strength of the lats to lift the barbell to the upper thighs while keeping the chest slightly straight. Finally, restore, and exhale. During the recovery process, be sure to use the control of the latissimus dorsi to slowly lower the barbell in the same way until the arms and shoulders are completely relaxed and the latissimus dorsi are fully stretched
5.Close Grip Press
The bench press is arguably the most popular exercise in the gym. How can we distinguish the wide and narrow distance of the barbell bench press?
There is no absolute standard for this. In general: when the barbell falls to the lowest point, the angle between our forearm and the ground is less than 90 degrees, which is considered a narrow bench press.
When the barbell falls to the lowest point, when our forearms are perpendicular to the ground, this grip distance is called the medium grip distance, which is also the recommended grip distance for a general barbell bench press.
When the barbell falls to the lowest point, when the angle between our forearm and the ground is greater than 90 degrees, we call it a vast distance bench press. Let's explain in detail this time the close grip bench press.
How to do it

Muscles Targeted: Brachialis, Lateral head, Medial head
- Lie on a weight bench or the ground with your hands about shoulder width apart (this is a narrow gap), then lift the barbell off the rack; this is the starting position
- Slowly lower the barbell while inhaling, bringing the barbell to almost mid-chest position, and pause for a while.
- Exhale, and use the strength of the triceps to push the barbell upwards; when it reaches the top, the triceps contract at the peak, hold for 1-2 seconds and then lower it down repeatedly
6.Palms Forward Curl
How to do it

Muscles Targeted: Biceps
- Keep the waist and abdomen stable through breathing control.
- Hold the barbell with the palms forward, more comprehensive than the shoulders, firmly fixed in the hands, and the wrists straight.
- The elbows are fixed on both sides of the body, do not move back and forth, only the angle of the elbow joint changes, but there is no change in the tip of the shoulder joint.
- Do not let the barbell touch the thigh at the lowest movement point.
7.Hands Elevated Bar Push Ups
Hands-elevated pushups are a variation of the classic pushup with the hands resting on a bench or other elevated surface. It's easier to do pushups with your hands higher than your feet on the floor, but it also places more emphasis on the triceps. It can be used as an alternative to floor pushups.
How to do it

Muscles Targeted: Biceps
- Place your hands on the barbell or weight bench with your arms straight, and hands directly under your shoulders.
- Extend your legs back until you are in a pushup position. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels.
- Tighten your abs -- as if your insides are about to be punched -- and squeeze your glutes. Hold these contractions for the duration of the exercise.
- Lower your body until your chest almost touches the barbell. Don't let your hips sag at any time. Pause at the bottom, then push yourself back to the starting position as quickly as possible.
8.Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers get their name from the motion of a full-body climber climbing a hill. While strengthening your leg muscles, you can train your whole body, including arms, shoulders and core muscles, so mountaineering running is a whole-body additional training that focuses on legs, improving overall physical fitness and Achieving fat burning effect.
How to do it

Muscles Targeted: Abs, Glute
- Suppose you are climbing a mountain. The starting position of pushups is to support the hands on the barbell and fully extend the body. Supporting your body weight on your hands and toes, your body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles.
- Bend your knees and hips, lift your right foot off the ground, bring one leg up to your chest, and slowly move your right knee toward your chest. Keep the other leg straight and still.
- Explosively alternate your leg positions by extending the leg by bending the back and bringing the other foot with hip and knee flexion until the leg is straight on the toes
If you want to learn about these actions in detail, you can watch the following video. You can follow IFAST on Youtube, we will update many workout routines regularly.
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